Diagram of a garage door frame showing vertical side pieces, header, and spring block. Vertical side pieces are labeled as 2x4 inches and extend the door height by 20 inches. The header is described as a flat board for the top panel. The spring block is centered and labeled as 2x6 inches.

Proper Garage Door Framing

Prepare the opening:

Before the garage door can be installed, there are several steps that must be taken to ensure the door will operate properly.

  1. Make sure the side boards extend from the floor to at least 18” above the opening.

  2. A board is needed across the top of the opening for the garage door to sit against.

  3. A board should be installed in the center to which the spring will be fastened. This center block should be from the top of the opening to even with the end boards.

  4. If you have any questions, please call us @ (302) 875-0663.

Door sides and header framing.

Door side framing.


Spring block and header.

Complete interior of garage door.